13.4     Control of Finances

The institution exercises appropriate control over all its financial resources.


x   Compliance           o  Non-Compliance           o Partial Compliance


UL Lafayette’s administration adheres to the standards promulgated by the Government Accounting Standards Board and the generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Responsibility for formulating and administering policies and procedures that ensure appropriate levels of control over the University’s financial resources is assigned to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Mr. Jerry Luke LeBlanc became Interim Vice President for Business and Finance at the University on July 1, 2008 and became Vice President for Administration and Finance effective May 2009. He was formerly Commissioner of Administration for the State of Louisiana. Prior to his appointment as Louisiana Commissioner of Administration in 2004, Mr. LeBlanc was State Representative for District 45 of the Louisiana House of Representatives. He also served as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and the House/Senate Joint Legislative Budget Committee. Jerry Luke LeBlanc and Associates, Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants, where Mr. LeBlanc practiced for over 25 years as a state certified commercial appraiser and real estate broker, was formed in 1979. Mr. LeBlanc holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.

Financial oversight is also provided by the Office of Internal Audit, reporting directly to the University President and UL System BOS. Excerpts from the Internal Audit Charter, which discuss the Director of Internal Audit’s responsibilities and functions are detailed in the UL System’s Policy and Procedures Memorandum FB-IV.(1-a). These reporting relationships ensure independence, broad coverage, and adequate consideration of audit findings and recommendations.

To ensure that qualified professionals staff the departments responsible for monitoring, tracking, and safeguarding the financial resources of UL Lafayette, Human Resources uses a pre-employment process that verifies that staff have the skills, training, and education necessary to perform their jobs. As part of this process, Human Resources personnel compare resumes and transcripts with written job descriptions and verify that all critical financial personnel have the required credentials to perform their duties. In addition, background checks of all University personnel are conducted prior to hiring.

The departments in the Division of Administration and Finance have duties and responsibilities that are segregated to establish proper oversight for financial transactions. They provide the appropriate level of control and ensure compliance with external and internal policies and procedures, such as cash handling policies and purchasing policies and other bid guidelines. The University’s ERP system (Banner) enables the University to utilize electronic approvals based on organization hierarchy for requisition and purchase orders. Starting in FY2019-2020, the University is using Chrome River to electronically account for La Carte (State expense) credit card purchases, including travel. This system replaces a manual credit card log process and travel pre-approval. After review and approval by the appropriate budgetary units, all financial transactions are reviewed, approved, and recorded by these departments, as applicable.


The Banner system provides budgetary units with online access to their financial account data, including budget variance reports. These reports are reviewed by the administrators of the applicable budgetary units. Financial reports showing the financial performance of the whole institution are also provided to senior management. The reports are used to assess the financial performance of the institution and to make financial decisions.

Bond Ratings

S&P Global Ratings stated in their bond rating review of UL Lafayette that the outlook on all ratings is stable. (For detailed discussion see Standard 13.1.) This independent assessment by a third party provides additional evidence that the University is exercising appropriate control over its financial resources.

Internal Audit

The Internal Auditor reports directly to the President and is responsible for performing internal audits and risk assessments on departments and programs. An annual audit plan is established each year, and audits are conducted throughout the year. All Internal audit reports are provided to the Legislative Auditors and the UL System. UL Lafayette manages risk as it relates to financial resources through internal controls and segregation of duties. The Internal Auditor reviews audit findings reported by other universities within the UL System in order to gauge whether such risk areas should be included in the annual audit plan, in an effort to minimize risk.

Legislative Auditor

Additional control over UL Lafayette’s financial resources lies with the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, one of the largest public accounting practices in the State of Louisiana, serving as the watchdog of public spending and overseeing more than 3,500 audits of state and local governments and their related quasi-public enterprises. The staff conducts annual independent financial and performance audits, identifying critical issues to protect public resources and tighten control systems.

Each year, the auditors conduct a financial and compliance audit and an audit of federal award programs. Should there be any reportable findings, they are included in the management letter along with the University’s response. As the University is part of the UL System, a management letter is issued instead of a full audit report. The University information is consolidated with other system institutions of the UL System, and the audit report is issued in the name of the System. The financial information at the System level, along with all reportable findings, is included in the Single Audit for the State of Louisiana. Table 13.4 – 1 lists audit reports for the last five fiscal years.

Table 13.4 — 1: Audit Reports FY2013-2018


Management Letter

UL System Audit Report

State of Louisiana Audit






















UL Lafayette strives to have no audit findings included in the management letters issued by the Legislative Auditors. If audit findings are detected, management takes the appropriate corrective actions to ensure that there are no repeat findings in subsequent years. 

Financial Aid Audits

The Office of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor performs an annual audit of federal financial aid programs at UL Lafayette each fiscal year. Upon completion of the audit, the Louisiana Legislative Auditor provides a compliance report on requirements applicable to each major program and internal control over compliance in accordance with Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (or, Uniform Guidance). 

No “material weaknesses” were identified in the most recent FY2017-2018 management letter. There were no findings in FY2017-2018 regarding financial aid.


Supporting Documents

Departments of Administration and Finance

Example Requisition Approval History

Funds Handling Guidelines

Internal Audit Report

LeBlanc (CV)

Purchasing policies

Sample Background Check

Sample Budget Query

System Policy and Procedures Memorandum FB-IV.(1-a)